Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Traveling to Cortona Italy

Ostello San Marco
Via Maffei, 57 52044 Cortona (Arezzo)
ph. 0039 0575 62843
Helena 39 0575 614014
Sergio 39 335 315987 and 39 0575 601392

List for Italy: Staying 3 months in Tuscany


-*cell phone and plan
-*laptop 12" notebook and ipod mini w/ case and warranty
-digital camera, rechargeable batteries, battery recharger w/ plug converter
-day pack, money belt, credit cards, student card, guide book
-luggage (rolling- hard plastic) or travel pack

Clothing-comfy hardy walking shoes (semi dress) and running shoes (you will be doing A LOT of walking on cobble stone HILLS)
-socks (3 pair cotton and 2 pair wool) and hostel socks
-long underwear, underwear - 50/50% cotton/polyester
-LAYERS, LAYERS, LAYERS, fleece, vest, winter coat
-rain jacket, small umbrella
-jeans, utility shorts (biking), pants (dark)
-quick dry shirts, t-shirts, towel and hat
-flip flops
-bathing suite
-hostel sack
-*sleeping bag, sleeping mat, travel blanket

**Bring outfits that can be worn together in layers. Ideally you should be able to wear all of the clothes that you have brought at the same time for the coldest weather and have nothing left in your pack. So everything needs to go together. If you find that once you are wearing everything that you can and you have clothes left over, you probably don't need them. **Make a practice of washing laundry every second night so you always have clean and dry clothing when you need it.

Personal Care
-feminine products
-*daily disposable contacts and glasses
-deodorant/body wash/shampoo
-sanitizer, tissues
-first aid, Tylenol, cold/flue/allergy medication
-vaccine shots, *antibiotics in case of pneumonia
**If you don't have enough room don't worry, many of these items are easily obtainable in Italy.

Other-school supplies (pens pencils, paper)
-pictures of family (to bring a little bit of home with you)
-water bottle or cammelpack, zip lock containers and bags, locks
-snacks, tea
-*Frisbee, playing cards
-travel journal
**(Do it. You will regret it if you don't. Just take 5 min before you go to sleep to record what you experienced that day, believe me, you will cherish your travel journal the rest of your life)
-bible/study group devotional

-despar (cortona) mediocre value
-co-op (camuchia) better value
-dollarama (camuchia) best value

Sites of Interest

-churches (19) (free)
-italian bath (worth the price)
-museum (free to students)
-art galery (free to students)

-candy shopps, chocolate, and licorice

-Trajans Column
-Princes Palace
-Arch of Titus
-Trebunes Fountain
-*Artichoke Pizza

-The Academy
-Musium of Science
-Il Domo et de Petro


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